(833) 294-6674

How can I make my proposals more professional and explanatory for my clients without spending so much time creating them?

Axiom — A best-in-class integrated tool reduces time spent generating proposals with more value to clients and gives Investment Advisors a competitive advantage that differentiates them in the marketplace

Generate personalized client proposals on demand Axiom's powerful integrated platform features a simple to use, automated, comprehensive proposal generator that lets you quickly produce firm branded proposals that specifically reflect your client’s goals and individual investment situation. Use its built-in client questionnaire to generate portfolio recommendations, along with underlying asset allocations, based on the client’s risk tolerance score. Information is presented using data-rich graphics and a visually appealing style to better explain how the proposal achieves client goals.
Modify proposed modeling to fine-tune recommendations Axiom gives the advisor flexibility to "customize" generated portfolio recommendations — add or substitute funds, even change strategists within established parameters, to better personalize them to meet your clients' needs and special circumstances. The tool also provides historical data on model performance, as well as transparency on cost, allowing better understanding and acceptance by the client.
Easily provide detailed model information Axiom's proposal tool automatically accesses and includes model information to enable you to easily provide detailed information on the components of the model. It also provides historical data on model performance as well as its risks. This detail and data help demonstrate to clients how the model provides core market investing and defensive/protection strategies while enhancing returns. Information like this helps establish and build trust with clients.

Axiom gives you more professional proposals with less work on demand to impress your clients

Axiom's Propsal Tool:
  • Cover page (co-branded with Axiom and advisor logo identities)
  • Welcome letter (on advisor letterhead)
  • Asset allocation piece
  • Executive summary (including personal information, recommended model, some additional high level information)
  • Detailed model information
  • Risk and performance
  • Disclosures